My Life in Books

My Life in Books

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn (Twilight, #4)Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Jacob's POV BORED ME No offense. I'm on Team Jacob too.

Bella and Edward got married. The honeymoon scene is like, what? His fingers are patched into her body with black and blue? That's totally creepy. And a round of applause for EDWARD'S SELF-CONTROL.

Then, she's pregnant. Ohhh... there's the twist.

Rosalie is on her side. Edward is a DEAD-MAN. Jacob is PROTECTING HER and IS STILL IN LOVE.

Bella turned into a vampire finally and a new born girl is born.

The Volturi is going to KILL RENESMEE thinking that she's a newborn so the Cullen's moved to protect her along with the wolves/ the revelation on the so called SHAPESHIFTERS.

Many other vampires stand on the Cullen's side and THE VOLTURI were outnumbered.

Alice brought someone like Renesmee to prove that she won't become a threat to their family.

Bella has a special power, of course, THE SHIELD. :PP Which save all of them from DEATH in the hands of Chelsea, Jane and Alec.

THE VOLTURI returned at Italy because they don't have enough EVIDENCE and THEY know that they would be defeated by the Cullen's and the other vampires and shapeshifters.

And they live happily ever after. Oh, and Jacob imprints on our NESSIE..

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Passion (Fallen, #3)Passion by Lauren Kate

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This one is so cool... Luce and Daniel has a few parts together here. Wait, few you say? Nah, everything is the TWO of them. NOT ONLY THE PRESENT but THEIR PAST.

Luce has turned more cooler than before. Can you believe it? A mortal, No, half-mortal, is traveling to Announcers looking into the past. How cool is that?

It's kinda cute like they're playing TUG-OF-WAR?

Luce talked with Satan. I was hoping on the first book that if Daniel is an angel from HEAVEN then maybe Luce is from HELL and that's why there's a CURSE but I guess it didn't turn out like that.

I thought Luce would be able to break the curse on this book, but I guess it's still a no-no yet like on Twilight 'cause there won't be a thrill anymore if the cliche is broken easily.

And I so love Cam. Now I know why he became a DEMON and I so love HIM more....

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Torment (Fallen, #2)Torment by Lauren Kate

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

The book cover and title matches. You can see clearly how the GIRL/ Luce is suffering.

In here, Luce was sent to Shoreline and met new friends.


Shelby: "What's her problem?"

Miles: "Hmm... I think this has a bigger part than this."

Steve: "A demon, huh? More like an ally for Luce."

The first impressions answered.

Shelby and Daniel have had a FLING and that's why Shelby is INSECURE with Luce because they have an unrequited love.

Miles kissed Luce and Luce didn't stop him!!!!!!!! Ah.... what the hell? Wait, whose that on the window? OH! It's our fallen angel, Daniel. OUCH

Steve turns out to be a mentor of Luce involving the Shadows. This is what I've been waiting for. Luce become more powerful than what she is know.

At the thanksgiving party, Oh, hell broke. They were all there. This part is totally AWESOME!

Then came the Outcasts at Luce backyard and when they left, Luce left too. To go to her and Daniel's past.


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Fallen (Fallen, #1)Fallen by Lauren Kate

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My mom borrowed a book. This book from her office mate. She told me to read this so I didn't have a clue on what it's all about.

I got really engrossed with it. I mean,

Luce being on a reform school full of gangsters, goths or anything is TOTALLY COOL then shows Cam who instantly showed interest with her, Arriane who bosses her around on cutting hairs, Daniel who she can't get out of her head but literally flips her off, Molly who bullied her. I mean, this is LIFE

Then came the cheesy parts:

Cam and Luce's date at the cemetery (laughs)

Daniel and Luce shared a kiss. You're still here Of course she is.

The first part is very confusing and that makes me want to read it more... and more then everything made sense and know I can't get enough with it.

It's very different than what I suspected. But it would've been better if Luce is MORE POWERFUL THAN WHAT SHE IS KNOW.

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The Host

The HostThe Host by Stephenie Meyer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars


I rate this book: 5 stars.


IT almost made me feel all the emotions..

Ian is so cute especially when he CRIED. (I cried there too.) CRIED HYSTERICALLY-- Me

Melanie is a bad-ass. (GO GIRL! I like that)

Wanda is so innocent. (Really like an angel, peace!)

Jared is an IDIOT. (I'm not really anti-JARED since He didn't killed Wanda on the first place. Well, all because of Melanie's body but he's really an IDIOT... :PP No offense meant)

Jeb is a genius. (I was on WOW, How did he think of that.)

Jamie is a CHILD. (You know, the playful kind. Acting like mature but still oh, so young.)

Ian is so D*MN SWEET. I want someone like him... :DD

I can't really believe that the enemy turned as the lover. Can you believe it? That one was A BIG SHOCKER that's why I LOVE THIS BOOK

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Eclipse (Twilight, #3)Eclipse by Stephenie Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars


(sighs)What to say?

So, Victoria is on the go to KILL OUR PRECIOUS BELLA so EVERYONE allied together to protect her and the other humans. (everyone is the werewolves and vampires)

Jacob repeatedly tells Bella that HE LOVES HER and that HE KNOWS THAT she LOVES HIM TOO. That one came it to be true but it isn't enough for Bella to choose Jake over Edward.

I like the part when Bella punched Jake in the face and she was... "OUCH!" I laugh there. :D

And Emmett's "Fall again, Bella?"

Bella: "No, Emmett, I punched a werewolf in the face. That one is totally hilarious.

Anyway, THE BIG FIGHT having few injuries on Edward's side is totally boring. I mean, they were almost 20 vampires and they're like 6 vampires and werewolves who just learned how to tackle newborns and only Jazz and Jake who are injured. It would've been more fun if there were more. I'm not a sadist

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New Moon

New Moon (Twilight, #2)New Moon by Stephenie Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Papercut That's the reason Edward left Bella. :D

So, let's start when Edward left Bella so she's been depressed and like a zombie for FAR TOO LONG that even I can't handle.

She takes risks like motorcycles. That's where she USES Jacob.

Jacob is REALLY CUTE back here. I mean totally cute like a best friend, of course.

They become CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE FRIENDS and suddenly, Jake distances around Bella. AGAIN? Why is everybody doing that? She founds out she's a wolf. Ohh,, that is so DAMN AWESOME but the thing is, why does Bella have to think that he is a KILLER? Huh!

Misunderstanding and Edward throws himself at the Volturi. Then Bella rescues him and they are together again. (sighs)


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Twilight (Twilight, #1)Twilight by Stephenie Meyer

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I don't care if MANY of you don't like Twilight, but anyway, I'll just say my opinion/ review.

I liked the book so much and I got really addicted to it. Like a drug.

Edward is beautiful (on the book) and really something like a handsome, gorgeous cool fellow. I thought: "What the hell is his problem with Bella?"

Bella is someone like ME. Hates sport, silent, likes jeans, shirts and sneakers but.... I DON'T HAVE A VAMPIRE AS BOYFRIEND. :PP

MY OPINION on Rosalie is that... SHE'S A BITCH. I mean, what's her being bitter with Bella. She's just someone who is in love.

Alice is CUTE and REALLY FRIENDLY :D. (She's the one I REALLY LIKE )

Jasper is WOOAHH!!! Cool.

Emmett is Hey big bro.

Carlisle: Where can I have a father as handsome as HIM?

Esme is LOVABLE.


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